Two new targeting options
These two targeting options would be great to have:
1) Target last attacked party member.
-> this would be benefit for anti-spike monks.
At the moment an anti-spike monk, such as an infuser, needs to have keys ready for each party-member and when the spike begins, (s)he needs to press the correct key instead of just having to press the 'last attacked party member'-key. Using the mouse is often too slow in my experience.
2) Save- and Get personal target.
-> It would be great to be able to save a personal target with a key-combination and get it back with a single key.
You are attacking (your personal primary) target 'A'.
Now you need to heal a party member and then continue attacking 'A'.
At the moment, after healing your party member, you need to toggle through the enemies (if it is not the called target) until you have your personal target back.
With the new feature you would be able to save your target e.g. by pressing 'CTRL-S' (save target) while you still have much time, and get it back by just pressing key 'S' (get saved target back).
This should not only apply to enemy targets, but to any target (allies/spitits/minions, etc).
- zendo